Redecorate Your Kitchen Space With Posh Wood-Mode Cabinets

One of the best ways to rebuild your kitchen décor is by installing striking kitchen cabinets from Wood-Mode in your house. These cabinets are plush, elegant and chic. My kitchen was last revamped almost 5 years back and now, I thought, it was a great time for a complete kitchen decoration, yet again. I could not neglect my kitchen because this was a place where I had to spend most of my time, cooking different types of dishes for my family. Therefore, a well-organized kitchen was really important for me. I consulted few of my friends who were interior designers and most of them suggested Wood-Mode cabinets for me.

My friends even mentioned that Wood-Mode is a brand which boasts of exceptional durability and fabulous built. Once these are installed in your kitchen, they will not get damaged or ruined easily. Despite the regular use of these cabinets, they do not get spoilt. Even if you use greasy hands to open or close these cabinets, these will not be damaged if you wipe the grease off immediately.


Also, when you open or close these cabinets, you will find that they close and open softly, without any unwanted stop in the middle. Moreover, they are also built with dovetail joints, which offers easy manoeuvrability.

Owing to these above mentioned factors, I decided to go for customized Wood-Mode cabinets. When I saw the redesigned version of my kitchen, I could not thank my friends enough. Each and every customized Wood-Mode cabinet fitted really well in my small kitchen area. For example, I went for two mid-sized base cabinets below the cooktop. This helped me take out sauce pans, sauce pots and even other types of cookware easily. This apart, I opted for glamorous corner cabinets to utilize the corner spaces of my kitchen. This not only improved the overall look of my kitchen, it also added to my kitchen’s storage capacity to a great extent.

Not only these, I even installed tall cabinets to keep heavy appliances. For example, there were few kitchen appliances, which I kept on the top racks of these tall cabinets. These were the tools which I did not use regularly. Therefore, keeping them on the top shelf saved enough space in the kitchen.

Custom cabinet designs from Wood-Mode are truly multi-functional and they helped me work in my kitchen more conveniently than before. If you are looking to redo your kitchen too, remember to give a dash to your kitchen interiors with tailor-made Wood-Mode cabinets.

Incorporate Custom Cabinet Designs Made Of Glass For A Sparkling Kitchen

It depends a lot on the kitchen space available when you plan to glam it up. Perfectly planned designs can enhance a small kitchen’s storage capacity and can even make it look comparatively spacious. The trick is to incorporate glass frames in your custom cabinet designs. I have a small kitchen layout and this trick has really worked for my kitchen. Moreover, you can lighten up your kitchen with see-through or glossy panes of your kitchen cabinets which bounce the sun’s rays or show you have got nothing to hide. At night, create similar illuminated ambiance in your kitchen with electric lighting. Fit in decorative lamps and bulbs to the glass cabinets and get the desired effect. Wood-Mode cabinets are mostly trusted when it comes to customized kitchen cabinetry. You can get these glass cabinets customized by any Wood-Mode dealer in your nearby locality.


There are many ways to incorporate glass in your kitchen cabinets. Check out the most popular ones mentioned below:


  • Glass-Front Peninsula Cabinets: Sometimes, there is a space accessible on all three sides in a small kitchen. This space is often referred to as kitchen peninsula. The peninsula acts as a divider between the kitchen and the dining room. Now, you can get glass-front cabinets for the kitchen peninsula. This will make your small kitchen look spacious from the dining room.


  • Decorative Glass Door Cabinets: For a contemporary kitchen décor, you may opt for fluted or reeded glass cabinet doors. Though they will not completely hide your cabinets’ content, yet will give a slightly obscure appeal. To provide a blurred glimpse at your kitchen cabinets’ content, you can opt for frosted glass cabinet doors. This makes a narrow kitchen layout look more open.


  • Glass-Front Base cabinets: Generally, it’s a common practice to install glass doors in the wall cabinets, but, glass-front base cabinets look exceptionally glamorous. You can also go for a glass top, for the base cabinets to enhance the décor and make your small kitchen look vivacious.

Thus, use glass for kitchen custom cabinet designs to enrich your small kitchen décor.

Wood-Mode Cabinets – Kitchen Remodeling with an Edge


A kitchen is a room which needs daily maintenance. Due to stains and spots from cooking grease and oil, kitchen walls and cabinets become ruined. However, in order to avoid such a situation, you need great quality cabinets with excellent finish. Wood-Mode is a brand which is renowned for offering solid cabinets. This brand is immensely preferred by discerning home décor experts as well.

Wood-Mode cabinets, when custom-made, turn out to be extremely unique and gorgeous. Customized cabinets add a hint of sophistication and elegance. They make your kitchen design even more glamorous. They add a dash of character to your kitchen. Customized cabinets, designed as per your suggestions and inputs, reflect your own emotions. A kitchen punctuated with tailored cabinets add a drama to the kitchen. The kitchen décor is automatically pepped up because of the fantastically designed Wood-Mode cabinets.


For instance, if you have a large kitchen, you can opt for pull out cutting boards, large cabinet drawers, specialized bottle racks and even big base cabinets, to offer storage space in your kitchen. You can also include a kitchen island with cabinetry to store additional kitchen tools. Such a kitchen island can help you chop vegetables. Make your kids do their homework on this kitchen island. Basically, with a large kitchen, you can experiment with designs and redo your kitchen décor in a fabulous way.

However, if you are thinking that the scope of creativity is less in a small kitchen décor, well, you are wrong! If you have a small kitchen space, you can opt for corner cabinets, pull out crockery sets and pull out trash cans, to enhance your storage solutions without cluttering your kitchen space. This way, you can add a storage area in your kitchen and make it functional.

Custom cabinet designs from Wood-Mode add charm to your kitchen design. So, redecorate your kitchen design, and make your dream kitchen a reality.

Custom Cabinet Designs – Redoing Your Kitchen Décor with a Hint of Elegance


The greatest advantage of custom cabinet designs is that you can decide on their texture, shape, size, color, finish and the position of installation yourself. These are some of the aspects which you do not get to control if you select ready-made cabinets from the market. Custom-made cabinets, as the name implies, is specially made to meet your specific requirements. As opposed to standard ready-made cabinets, customized cabinets offer exclusivity to your kitchen interiors with their elegant designs and perfect shapes.

Since you can determine the shapes and sizes of customized cabinets, there will hardly be any space crunch in your kitchen. This means that there will be no over-utilization or underutilization of kitchen space, if you opt for customized cabinets. These cabinets will fit really well in your kitchen, without creating a clutter or mess inside it.


In addition to that, you can even order for separate cabinets for storing your kitchen appliances such as your microwave oven, tea-maker, toaster and sandwich-maker, if you want. Such custom-built cabinets for each of these kitchen appliances will help you access the items easily without any hassle. To add to that, your kitchen will look organized and neat. Moreover, if you have tall kitchen ceilings, you can opt for floor-to-ceiling cabinet. You can store the less-used items on the top shelf of these floor-to-ceiling cabinets. This way, you will not only be able to increase the storage capacity in your kitchen, you will also be able to make room for more space in your kitchen.

If you have a large kitchen area, you can order a kitchen island with cabinetry. In this cabinetry, you can store utensils, bottles, cutlery sets and crockery sets. You can use the top of this kitchen island for chopping fruits and vegetables, keeping cooked food such as a bowlful of soup or a plateful of spices. You can also make your kids do their homework on top of this kitchen island. It can serve as a multi-functional space and enhance your storage solutions.

Custom kitchen cabinets designs can transform your ordinary kitchen into a stunning space. Such cabinets can give your kitchen an open layout and offer a dash of exquisiteness which you’ve always wanted.

Choose The Colors Of Your Wood-Mode Cabinets Wisely To Complement Your Dark-Colored Appliances

Wood-Mode Hudson ValleyWhite cabinetry is quite common in kitchens everywhere. Even though, white cabinetry requires a bit more cleaning, it nicely adds to the décor and can even make small kitchen space look bigger. However, only using white color can sometimes render the kitchen décor bland and uninteresting. If you have dark colored appliances, you can choose to experiment with the color of your cabinets. Do not worry; playing with cabinetry colors will not make your kitchen look like a dark hole.

Here are some ideas that may help you play with cabinetry colors to better complement your dark colored appliances:

  • Dark wood cabinets and dark appliances are a tried-and-tested combo. No matter how much time passes, this approach always feels fresh. Dark wood adds class and elegance to the space while dark-colored appliances form the highlights. Accessorize with flowers, fruits and unique light fixtures and watch the space brighten up.

  • If you are fond of industrial meets artsy decor, black appliances are probably a must for you. Grey is widely used for cabinets in this decor. White appliances would look bland in this setting. Grey and black not only complement each other well but also give the space a formal charm. Use stainless steel hardware for highlights.

Wood-Mode Mountain Retreat

  • Are your going for the bistro-style décor with your custom cabinet designs? Then go for multiple colors like black, white, blue and red. While red moldings beautifully balance the neutral colors, white countertops spark the black or blue of the cabinetry. If you think your kitchen will look too dark if you install black cabinets along with the black appliances, you can choose chalkboard paint or distressed finish for the cabinets.

  • Black is a natural fit with dusty green. If you are keeping the cabinets green and the appliances black, it is important to add some black accents (countertops, glass rack, window casing). The solid black can be balanced out by the warm natural tone of green and the contrast can give the décor an extra layers of depth.

You may choose to buy customized Wood-Mode cabinets instead of stock cabinets. Not only does Wood-Mode provide your money’s worth in terms of quality, durability and designs but it also offers wide variety in cabinetry finishes. You can choose from stain, opaque, designer color and distressed finishes. The brand also allows you to customize your finish so that you can have the exact look on your cabinets that you want.

Custom Kitchen Cabinets Designs – For a Classy Touch!


Custom kitchen cabinets designs are highly preferred in the market, because of the uniqueness that they add to an interior home décor. Customized cabinets are tailor-made, according to your inputs and choices. This means that you can decide on the breadth, length, width, color, height, texture and also the installation positions of the cabinets. All in all, custom cabinet designs can add a dash of exclusivity to your kitchen décor.

For example, if your kitchen is spacious, you can go for a nice kitchen island with cabinets. This would provide sufficient storage capacity. To add more, you can also make your children do their homework on the kitchen island. In fact, you can keep a vegetable basket, a chopping board and even napkin holders on this kitchen island. Such an island adds to the storage space significantly.

Even if you have a small kitchen, you can opt for pull out trash cans, pull out cutting boards and corner cabinets. These are real space-savers. They add enough storage capacity without creating a space crunch. You can even order customized bottle racks for storing bottles of spices, oil, sauces and pickles. Such a bottle rack would make it way more convenient for you to find the bottles easily, without hunting for them all over the kitchen.


Corner cabinets, too, can be of much use. They don’t create a space crunch and yet prove to be highly functional. Apart from this, fridge-top cabinets, too, are widely preferred, when it comes to small kitchens. These seamless integrate into the overall kitchen design. The items which you do not need daily, you can store them on the top shelf of the fridge top cabinets.

Moreover, you can also select the color of the cabinets. You can pick the cabinet wood color, according to the color of your kitchen walls. That is, if your kitchen walls are dark grey in color, choose white color kitchen cabinets. However, if your kitchen walls are beige, you can choose custom kitchen cabinets designs in dark brown color. Such color contrasts will enhance your décor.

So, recreate your kitchen according to your preferences. And step it up in a way which makes it absolutely stunning.

Dress Up Your Kitchen with Tailored Cabinets from Wood-Mode, Houston-ites!

A kitchen is one such room at your home which requires great maintenance on a daily basis. In fact, owing to food and oil stains, cooking grease, leftover food, and more, your cabinets might lose their shine. They might fade, become discolored and appear old. In such a case, maintaining the custom-made Wood-Mode cabinets should be a good option.


Custom cabinet designs from Wood-Mode are widely preferred because these cabinets are made of best-in-class woods such as pine, alder, cherry, oak and maple. The cabinets come with a great finish and texture, which does not fade or become discolored easily. All you need is a little bit of dusting and cleaning, to remove the oil and grease from over the cabinets. These methods will help you keep your cabinets fresh and new.


Moreover, since customized cabinets would be as per your preferences, you will not face any space crunch inside your kitchen too. Therefore, whether your kitchen is big or small, you can get enough space for movement, if you are opting for custom cabinet designs. In addition, you can even choose the color of the cabinets. You can opt for dark brown color cabinets, if your kitchen walls are beige or cream in color. On the other hand, if your kitchen is small, you can opt for lighter shades, such as, white, off-white or light brown. Lighter shades will make your kitchen appear open and spacious.Brookhaven-Expressions-KitchenYou can use wood-care products to clean your customized Wood-Mode cabinets. Remember not to use sand paper or steel wool to clean your cabinets, because these might completely damage your cabinets permanently.

If you are looking for cabinets from Wood-Mode, Houston is a place you should visit. This is because Houston is a place which is home to plenty of retailers who offer these cabinets at good deals and discounts.

So, go ahead and recreate your kitchen décor that will keep everyone stunned. A beautiful kitchen can make cooking a hassle-free and highly enjoyable experience for you.

Create a Unique Kitchen Décor with Cabinets from Wood-Mode, Houston-ites!


A kitchen is one of those rooms of your home which needs proper maintenance on a day to day basis. The shelves, counter tops and the entire kitchen décor needs regular cleaning and dusting, otherwise they tend to get ruined because of the grease and stains. In such a scenario, what can keep your kitchen functional, beautiful and awe-inspiring, is the installation of customized Wood-Mode cabinets.

These are the cabinets which offer utility and immense solidity. If properly maintained on a daily basis, these cabinets can appear brand new and attractive. All you need is a good product to clean these cabinets. Never use steel wool or sand paper to clean them, since these might damage the cabinets completely. Moreover, you can also keep these cabinets clean by dampening a clean cloth in a soapy water solution and then rubbing the cabinets. However, if you are cleaning your cabinets this way, you should use a dry cloth immediately to remove the moisture from the cabinets. This way, your customized Wood-Mode cabinets will remain in good condition.


Custom cabinet designs from Wood-Mode are widely preferred by people because of the added beauty that they add to a kitchen décor. In fact, when it is customized, you can select the color of the cabinets too. For instance, if your kitchen walls are light cream in color, you can opt for dark wooden colored cabinets. On the other hand, if your kitchen wall color is dark mauve, you can opt for beige colored cabinets. Such a nice contrast will enhance the entire look of your kitchen.

Moreover, to add a touch of uniqueness to your kitchen, you can select, cutlery cabinet, wide cabinet openings, removable shelves, pull-out cutting board and trash drawer. These will increase the storage space in your kitchen significantly.

If you to go for cabinets from Wood-Mode, Houston is a place you should visit for better and wider varieties. There are many retailers in Houston who sell these products at reasonable rates. So, amp up your kitchen design and make cooking an enjoyable experience for you.

Custom Cabinet Designs from Brookhaven – Your Choice Makes a Difference!


The Brookhaven kitchen cabinets are highly preferred in the market because of their prolonged longevity and huge sturdiness. Once you have incorporated Brookhaven cabinets in your kitchen, you can be rest assured that your kitchen will appear classy and elegance.

Tailor-made Brookhaven cabinets are very solid and strong. They boast of skilful craftsmanship and superb designs, which make them totally desirable. All of us prefer a functional kitchen, and custom-made Brookhaven cabinets offer just that. This is because Brookhaven cabinets, when tailor-made can enhance the storage space in your kitchen.

When customized, Brookhaven cabinets look really stunning. Therefore, custom-made cabinets turn out to be really exclusive. For example, if you prefer separate customized cabinets for storing your sandwich-maker, oven, juicer or toaster, you can tailor-make them as per your needs. This way, your kitchen will remain neat, tidy and clean. It will be easier for you to keep your items inside these cabinets, without cluttering your counter tops.


In addition to that, when it comes to custom-made cabinets from Brookhaven, you can hand pick the woods for yourself. This basically means that you can choose woods such as maple, alder, oak, pine and cherry, as per your preference. Each of these woods are highly durable and very strong. If you want to pick a specific cabinet color, you can do that as well. Such benefits of customized cabinets make them a cut above the rest.

To add more, you can also select special purpose units, such as, a well-designed cabinet drawer for keeping your cutlery set, a shelf for keeping your dishware or a nice bottle rack. To make these cabinets strong and sturdy, you can opt for dovetail joints which can allow you to close and open the cabinet doors with much ease.

Custom cabinet designs from Brookhaven can create a style statement for you. It can transform a simple kitchen décor into a sophisticated and chic cooking area.

Why You Should Invest In Custom Kitchen Cabinets’ Designs For Your Kitchen

Are you planning to shift to a new Houston property or are just remodeling the kitchen of your current home? Old or new, the main element that makes a kitchen functional is the cabinetry. Therefore, you need to decide what types of cabinetry will be best for your kitchen before selecting the other details.


Houston remodelers agree that custom cabinetry is the best choice for making the best use of the  available space in a kitchen. Not all kitchens are made the same. They differ in their plans, layout and space. Here is how custom cabinets can enhance the functionality and beauty of your kitchen:


  • For your custom kitchen cabinets’ designs, you can get endless options of wood, style, finish and hardware. Thus, you will be able to create exactly the type of cabinetry that you want. With so many options, you can pick and choose each detail after carefully thinking about what will suit your taste, space and budget. Semi-custom and stock cabinets are available in only a few predefined woods, styles and finishes. The more options you have, the more you can experiment. The more you experiment, the more ‘you’ will shine through in the designs.
  • Custom cabinetry is tailored to your needs. As mentioned earlier, not all kitchens are same. The cabinets that fit perfectly in one kitchen may not be quite as useful in other kitchens. Your custom cabinets’ designs will be based on your requirements and preferences. You will be able use every inch of available space the way you want to. For example – with custom designs you will be able to make the best use of tight corners with corner drawers or lazy Susans. If there is a bit of wall space available between the window and the last cabinet box, you can fit in a small book-rack or a spice cabinet there.
  • The main purpose of your cabinets is to make it easier for you to work in the kitchen. You can increase the efficiency of the cabinets with smart designs and fittings like deep base cabinet drawers, magnetic locks, soft-close doors, pull-down racks, slide-out trays, lazy Susans, etc.
  • Cabinets also determine the look of your kitchen to a certain extent. The strength and beauty of cabinets depend largely on the craftsmanship. Custom cabinets are works of art that are crafted from best quality wood. Craftsmen add quality touches to them by using dovetailed joints, dowels or mortise and tenons, etc. Details like moldings and corbels can also add to the beauty of the cabinets.


header-logoIn case you are not sure which designs will be perfect for your kitchen, you can consider buying cabinets from brands like Brookhaven and Wood-Mode. Houston homeowners and remodelers prefer these brands as their cabinets are made from premium quality materials, feature eye-catching designs and are impressively durable.